Aline and John cruising the Caribbean
Aline and John cruising the Caribbean
Aline dishing out her super Christmas trifle. 1983
Aline, left, Ottawa, 1950’s
Aline, right, with Clive Wells.
Aline and daughter Catherine at Long Beach, Vancouver Island, 1984.
Aline, left, office 1958
Aline and Edie
Aline, Kitty, and Friend, Ottawa, 1950’s
Aline and daughter Catherin in Florida, February 2004.
Aline in Florida, February 2004.
Aline and daughter Catherine in Florida, February 2004.
Aline and John in London, 1999
Catherine and Aline in Victoria, 2006
Dedee, Catherine, Eileen and Aline in Muskoka, July 2007
Catherine (nee Robertson) Macgregor Aline’s Mom, June 1958